Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak 2024-03-30T01:20:52+00:00 Prof.Dr.Ir. Lilik Eka Radiati, MS., IPU Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak</strong> is a peer reviewed triannual journal publishing reviews, original papers, research notes, and symposium papers for mediating the dissemination of researchers in food science, microbiology, biotechnology of animal products, functional food derived from animal products, and current findings in processing technology for animal products. Animal products include meat, dairy, poultry, insects and their by-products. <strong>JITEK</strong> is published in <strong>March</strong>,<strong> July</strong>, and<strong> November </strong>by <strong>Department of Animal Products Technology</strong>,<strong> Faculty of Animal Science</strong>,<strong> Universitas Brawijaya</strong>, Malang, Indonesia in collboration with <strong>Indonesian Association of Food Technologist</strong><strong>s (IAFT)</strong> or <strong>Perhimpunan Ahli Teknologi Pangan Indonesia (PATPI)</strong>.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Editorial goal is to provide a forum exchange and an interface between academia, industry, government and society in any animal product and technology related field.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>JITEK </strong>has been indexed in <strong>Garba Rujukan Digital</strong> <strong>(Garuda)</strong>, <strong>Google Scholar</strong>, <strong>SINTA</strong>, <strong>Dimensions</strong>, <strong>DOAJ</strong>, <strong>EuroPub</strong> and <strong>has been accredited</strong> as the scientific journal with category<strong> Sinta 3 </strong>for five years (<strong>1 March 2023 - 1 November 2027</strong>) by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (SK Nomor 152/E/KPT/2023).</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">We accept submission from all over the world. All submitted articles shall never been published elsewhere, original and not under consideration for other publication.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E-ISSN 2338-1620</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">P-ISSN 1978-0303</a></p> <div class="blockBox"><a> <img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" alt="" width="700" /></a></div> Assessing Chicken Rendang in Padang: Quality, Nutrition, and Sensory Analysis 2024-02-16T02:46:35+00:00 Deni Novia Yuherman Winda Sartika Rini Rustini <p>Chicken rendang is loved by children and adults alike but is still often found in restaurants in Padang City. As a representative of the Minang Region, the city of Padang is very representative of sampling chicken rendang because each rendang has a different process and taste. This research examined the quality, nutritional value, and taste of chicken rendang sold in Padang City. The method used in this research was a survey method with random sampling (purposive sampling), and then laboratory analysis was carried out. Data processing used a 9x2 randomized block design (nine samples and two groups), with samples being places where chicken rendang was taken from 8 restaurants in the city of Padang and one chicken rendang sold commercially (packing) as a control, while quality test without using controls. The parameters observed were quality (FFA, TBA, and cholesterol levels), nutritional value (moisture content, protein content, fat content, ash content), and sensory analysis (color, aroma, texture, and taste of 30 untrained panelists) of chicken rendang. Sample G had the highest nutritional value but was lower than the sensory analysis. On the other hand, the sample I had the highest sensory assessment and high-fat content. Sample D was the best sample regarding quality, nutritional value, and sensory with FFA 0.800%, TBA 0.021 mg malonaldehyde/kg, cholesterol levels 44.35 mg/dl), nutritional value (moisture content 45.03%, protein content 14.48%, fat content 15.44%, ash content 2.80%), and sensory analysis neutral.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Deni Novia Musnis, Yuherman, Winda Sartika, Rini Rustini Enhancement of Antibacterial Activity from Chicken Head Protein Hydrolysate Using Dual-Enzyme Hydrolysis 2023-12-28T01:25:23+00:00 Pramudya Andiana Moch. Geerhan Miraja Syahdan Arif Hendra Utama Kasri Kasri Khothibul Umam Al Awwaly Abdul Manab <p>The chicken head is one of the by-products with a high protein content. Therefore, chicken heads can be used as raw materials to produce protein hydrolysates containing bioactive peptides that have biological activities, such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities. This research aimed to evaluate the use of the combined ratio of papain and bromelain enzymes to produce chicken head protein hydrolysate that has antibacterial activity. The research method used in this study was a laboratory experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and five replications. Statistical significance was done using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT). The inhibition zones of chicken head protein hydrolysate using a combination of papain enzymes against <em>Lactobacillus casei</em>, <em>Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, </em>and <em>Salmonella typhimurium</em> were 1.72-2.68, 1.19-4.47, 0.93-1.45, 1.64-2.46, and 1.01-3.62 mm, respectively. The result showed that the highest antibacterial activities against <em>Lactobacillus</em> <em>casei</em>, <em>Escherichia</em> <em>coli, </em>and <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> were in A1 (hydrolysis using papain 75% and bromelain 25%), the highest antibacterial activities against <em>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</em> was in A3 (hydrolysis using papain 25% and bromelain 75%), and the highest antibacterial activity against <em>Salmonella typhimurium </em>was in A2 (hydrolysis using papain 50% and bromelain 50%). However, all the hydrolysate didn’t exhibit antibacterial activity against<em> Bacillus subtilis</em>. Chicken head protein hydrolysate had the potential to be an antibacterial agent against pathogenic bacteria.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pramudya Andiana, Moch. Geerhan Miraja Syahdan, Arif Hendra Utama, Kasri Kasri, Khothibul Umam Al Awwaly, Abdul Manab Kinetics of Deterioration of the Quality of Purebred Chicken Egg Meal During Storage 2024-02-20T07:26:46+00:00 Merri Diana Rotinsulu Sjaloom Ester Sakul <p>The research objective to determine quality of purebred chicken egg meal deteriorates during storage. The research method used experimental method, counting was a completely randomized design consisting of 5 treatments and 4 replications. As a treatment, the storage time for purebred chicken egg flour at room temperature is formulated as follows T<sub>0</sub> (0 days), T<sub>1</sub> (10 days), T<sub>2</sub> (20 days), T<sub>3</sub> (30 days) and T<sub>4</sub> (40 days). The variables observed were water content, pH and total microbes. The results of analysis of variance showed that storage time at room temperature had a highly significant different effect (P&lt;0.01) on the water content, pH and total microbes of purebred chicken egg flour. The results of the orthogonal polynomial test show that storage time at room temperature has a highly different linear effect on water content obtained by the equation Y=6.561+0.0177X, linear and quadratic on pH obtained by the equation Y=7.64+0.0095X+0.00015X<sup>2</sup> and total microbial colonies of purebred chicken egg flour obtained by the equation Y=2686-0.0172X+0.0006X<sup>2</sup>. It can be concluded that the kinetics of deterioration in the quality of purebred chicken egg flour occurs 0.25% increase for water content and 0.25 increase for pH and 0.24 log cfu/g increase in the number of bacterial colonies during storage.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Merri Diana Rotinsulu, Sjaloom Ester Sakul Effect of Temperature and Duration of Gasbio Heat Energy on Bee Pollen Bioactive Compounds and Bee Propolis Extraction Trigona sp 2024-03-04T02:21:35+00:00 Yasri Yasri Rahmawati Mochammad Junus <p>Processing of dried bee pollen and propolis extraction to optimize the use of processed by-products of <em>Trigona sp</em> bees in the general public by utilizing biogas as heat energy. This research uses bee pollen and raw bee propolis (<em>Trigona sp)</em>. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of temperature and length of time for drying bee pollen and propolis extraction on bioactive compounds. The research method used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications, consist with (1) Bee pollen drying temperature with sunlight, 45 <sup>o</sup>C, 55 <sup>o</sup>C, 65 <sup>o</sup>C, and 75<sup> o</sup>C, (2) Long oven time 3 days, 2,5 hours, 2 hours, 1 hour, and 15 minutes. Meanwhile, the treatment for propolis extraction with distilled water solvent is (1) Temperature 70<sup> o</sup>C, 75<sup> o</sup>C<sup>,</sup> 80<sup> o</sup>C, 85<sup> o</sup>C, and 90<sup> o</sup>C, (2) Length of extraction time is 220 minutes. Data were analyzed using Variant ANOVA. If there is a significant difference and effect (P&lt;0.05) or highly significant (P&lt;0.01), then proceed with least significant difference test. Dried bee pollen research results the best bioactive compounds were obtained at a temperature of 65 <sup>o</sup>C (T3) with protein content (14.09 %), total phenol (1.314 mgGAE/g), and antioxidant content (53.97 ug/mL). The best results for propolis extraction were at a temperature of 70<sup> o</sup>C (T0) with antioxidants (21.15ug/mL) and total phenolics (0.357 mgGAE/g). Gasbio can be used as an alternative heat for drying bee pollen and propolis extraction, but when use gasbio must determine the right temperature and time.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yasri Yasri Rahmawati, Mochammad Junus, Lilik Eka Radiati The Effect of Using Different Types of Flour on Water Content, Water Activity, Water Holding Capacity, Fat Content, Cholesterol, and Color of Chicken Liver Meatballs 2024-03-04T06:48:27+00:00 Maulida Aina Salsabila Vivi Kartika Putri Dedes Amertaningtyas Rischa Saleha <p>Meatball is a processed meat products made with a mix of ground meat, flour, and spices. <br />The ingredients for making meatballs can be substituted by using internal organs of livestock, such as chicken liver meatballs. This research objective measured the effect of different types of flour (tapioca flour, sago flour, and maizena flour) in chicken liver meatballs to measure the physical qualities (water content, water activity, water holding capacity, color) and chemical qualities (fat content and cholesterol). The material used in this research were chicken liver, tapioca flour, sago flour, maizena flour, salt, pepper, sugar, fried shallots, garlic, albumin, and ice. The method used in this research was experimental and counted with a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 3 treatments and 6 replications. T1: 26 % tapioca flour with 250 g chicken liver, T2: 26 % sago flour with 250 g chicken liver, and T3: 26 % maizena flour with 250 g chicken liver. The variables were fat content, cholesterol, and color. The result showed that average of water content on each flour was T1 61.65±0.49 %, T2 63.18±0.44 %, and T3 60.56±1.15 %. Water activity was T1 0.9427±0.0030, T2 0.9428±0.0070, and T3 0.9375±0.0036. WHC (Water Holding Capacity) was T1 49.38±1.21 %; T2 48.28±1.55 %, and T3 52.68±1.08 %. Fat content was T1 11.54±0.88 %, T2 11.33±0.66 %, and T3 11.01±0.76 %. Cholesterol level was T1 19.16±1.01 mg/100g, T2: 18,54±1.32 mg/100g, and T3 18.10±0.72 mg/100g. Color was T1 46.01±0.65, T2 43.67±1.13, and T3 43.09±2.15. This research concluded that the effect of three types of flour (tapioca, sago, and maizena) addition were highly significanly effect (P&lt;0.01) on water content, water holding capacity, color L*, color a*, color b* and significanly effect (P&lt;0.05) on water activity, but were not significanly effect (P&gt;0.05) on fat content, and cholesterol level. Research can be continued with the use of tapioca flour, sago flour, and maizena flour in meatball products from other livestock livers with different variables</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maulida Aina Salsabila, Vivi Kartika Putri, Dedes Amertaningtyas, Rischa Amalia Saleha The Effect of Feeding Formula in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) Using Flow Hive Technology on Honey Production and Quality at PT Kembang Joyo Sriwijaya 2024-03-11T07:11:32+00:00 Aulia Fahnaz Fanisa Dedi Fardiaz Dewi Masyithoh <p>Bee feeding has long been known and applied in honey bee farming. One way of feeding bees is to give sugar syrup mixed with water. This study aims to determine the effect of supplementary feeding on bees that have been formulated on the production and quality of honey produced. This study also applies one of the artificial hive technologies, namely flow hive. This study also observed how the adaptation of bees and the added value of the flow hive using Apis mellifera honey bees which is known for its high production rate and high adaptability. This research was conducted from September to December 2023 at PT Kembang Joyo Sriwijaya, Malang Regency. The experiment was conducted using 3 flow hives with the same feed formula. The study showed good feed consumption in stup 1 and decreased feed consumption in stup 2 and stup 3. Honey obtained in stup 1 was 1.5 kg from 1 flow frame. Laboratory test results showed pH levels of 3.4, moisture content of 18.2 %, reducing sugar levels of 55.44 % and 56.71 % and diastase enzyme activity of 3.18 DN and 3.19 DN. In conclusion that formula feeding did not show high honey production when compared to the time taken to reach harvest and also did not show fulfilling reducing sugar content and diastase enzyme activity test results.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aulia Fahnaz Fanisa, Dedi Fardiaz, Dewi Masyithoh Effect of Chitosan-Beeswax Edible Coating on Microbiological Profile of Chicken Thigh Meat at Freezer Storage 2024-02-16T09:38:00+00:00 Salwa Haneefah Fauzia Dedi Fardiaz Laprianika Retha Hapita Sari Dewi Masyithoh <p>This research examined the effect of chitosan and beeswax edible coating with different percentages on the microbiological value (aerobic bacteria, <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>,<em> Coliform,</em> and <em>Escherichia coli</em>) of chicken thigh meat in two days of storage at freezer temperature (-18<sup>o</sup>C to -20<sup>o</sup>C). The study used Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments and 5 replications. Treatments included were A0 (control), A1 (chitosan 2%), A2 (chitosan 2% + beeswax 1%), and A3 (chitosan 2% + beeswax 2%). Variables observed were the number of aerobic bacteria, <em>S. aureus</em>, <em>Coliform</em>, and <em>E. coli</em> using 3M<sup>TM</sup> Petrifilm<sup>TM</sup> Plates. Results showed significant differences (p&lt;0.05) in the number of aerobic bacteria colonies with the least colony on treatment A1. <em>S. aureus</em> and <em>Coliform</em> colonies showed significant differences (p&lt;0.05) with the least colony on treatment A2 and A3, sequentially. There was no significant difference (p&gt;0.05) in <em>E. coli</em> count due to no colonies detected on all treated samples. However, compared to controlled samples, it was found to decrease. The decrease in colony numbers shows that edible coating treatments can be used to help preserve or extend the shelf life of chicken thigh meat.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Salwa Haneefah Fauzia, Dedi Fardiaz, Laprianika Retha Hapita Sari, Dewi Masyithoh